About Us

Hey there, thank you for visiting the Travel and Report website!

We’re dedicated to providing you with the best information on traveling around the world. From budget tips and tricks to luxury getaways, we have something for everyone. Whether you’re planning your next vacation or just dreaming of faraway places, our team of experienced travelers has got you covered.

I’m John and I started the site, together with some amazing people who contribute to the site regularly.

I have been traveling with my family for the last 15 years and have loved every minute of it. Over the years I wanted to find a way to bring my knowledge of traveling to people that were as passionate as I am.

I decided to start this website, with the intention of making decisions easier for readers who are looking for the best places and things to do, and products to purchase to make planning and going on trips easier and more efficient.

We research everything, including the best hotels, attractions, products, and more relating to travel on Amazon.com and we are a proud Amazon Affiliate.

Our guides are fully researched by our team of writers to deliver you the best information available, enabling you to make informed buying decisions.

Going forwards we aim to provide the following useful content:

  • Destination Reviews
  • Top Attractions Near You
  • Product Reviews
  • Travel Guides
  • How-to Guides
  • and much more!

We hope that you enjoy your time visiting the site.

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